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It's not only important to find out the past use of the property, but also that of the surrounding area. Was there an old gas station next door, for example, which could hold environmental impacts? Depending on the circumstances, the question you must ask yourself is whether you are comfortable running your business in this area. The property owner should be able to answer all of your questions and provide you with documentation to support their position..
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While many major fraud threats exist outside a given company, a recent study emphasizes the role even employees play in fraudulent acts across Canada. One in four small or medium-sized businesses reported being victim to occupational fraud - that is, misuse or misappropriation of a business' resources or assets by an employee, manager or owner. The report, released last year by the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada (CGA) found such occupational fraud cost more than 290,000 Canadian small and medium-sized businesses $3.2 billion in 2010..
"Buying is much more American than thinking", comme on peut le lire dans la bouche d'Andy Warhol, exposé actuellement au MET. Elle entretient d'ailleurs des liens étroits avec les détaillants. Ainsi, lors des défilés parisiens, elle organise un petit déjeuner à l'hôtel Ritz avec les acheteurs, leur soufflant que la prochaine saison sera celle de la veste ou du bleu pétrole.
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